
We'd love for you to share your testimony and stories about Jesus to our project and website. Here's how.

  1. Record your video (3 minutes or less) and post it to YouTube.
  2. Tag your video "3minutesaboutjesus" along with other tags you think are appropriate for your message.
  3. Email the direct YouTube link for your video to 3minutesaboutjesus [at] posterous [dot] com. Include an appropriate title for your video as the email subject line, and write a few sentences about your video before including the YouTube link.
  4. Submit the link for your video using this Google form.

Our project volunteers will review submissions and post them here, on

In addition to subscribing to our blog, we encourage you to follow our project on Twitter: @3minaboutjesus



As you record your video to share, remember Dale Carnegie's magic formula to provide structure:

STEP 1: Incident - What specific incident inspired the purpose surrounding of your topic?

STEP 2: Action - What specific action do you want your listener/reader to take?

STEP 3: Benefit - What specific benefits will your listeners/readers gain as a result of taking action?