Background -

This is an email with a mind map and some audio files which I created this evening to share some background about this project, "3 Minutes for Jesus."

From: Wesley Fryer
Date: December 7, 2010 10:18:35 PM CST

I have a Mindblowing mind map for you -

Please let me know what you think about this project idea - see the attachments. Doing this has been on my heart since 2004. This would cost almost zero (financially) to start - about $30. I think it's time, but I value your ideas and input. I'll forward you a Google Doc link to share ideas / feedback shortly.


Enjoy! Below is the list of attachments:
- MindBlowing.jpg (212Kbytes)
- viral, digital evangelism.caf (3588Kbytes)
- like Film On The Fly.caf (6586Kbytes)
=Total size (10387Kbytes)

This is a mind map generated by MindBlowing.

Sent from my iPhone