Why - Share - Volunteer - About

Four "pages" have been added to our project site. When viewed with a desktop computer web browser, these pages are displayed at the top of each page. On the mobile version of our site, they are not currently shown persistently at the top of the page. These pages are:

  1. Why?
  2. Share
  3. Volunteer
  4. About

I changed the word "Contribute" to "Share" for the page where we ask people to record and submit their own videos. We are not asking for money, we are asking for people to contribute / share a video. Do you think "share" is the right word here, or should we use something else? 

If you have suggestions for changes to any of these pages, or suggestions for additional pages, please comment here. Comments are moderated on this site. In addition to the domain 3minutesaboutjesus.org we have registered 3minutesaboutjesus.com, which auto-forwards to the .org site.

Background - 3minutesaboutjesus.org

This is an email with a mind map and some audio files which I created this evening to share some background about this project, "3 Minutes for Jesus."

From: Wesley Fryer
Date: December 7, 2010 10:18:35 PM CST

I have a Mindblowing mind map for you - 3minutesaboutjesus.org

Please let me know what you think about this project idea - see the attachments. Doing this has been on my heart since 2004. This would cost almost zero (financially) to start - about $30. I think it's time, but I value your ideas and input. I'll forward you a Google Doc link to share ideas / feedback shortly.


Enjoy! Below is the list of attachments:
- MindBlowing.jpg (212Kbytes)
- viral, digital evangelism.caf (3588Kbytes)
- like Film On The Fly.caf (6586Kbytes)
=Total size (10387Kbytes)

This is a mind map generated by MindBlowing.

Sent from my iPhone